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Heckelphone #4141

According to Edith Reiter's 2014 book, this instrument was completed on 18 October 1930 originally sold to a buyer in the USA.

Howe & Hurd (2004) describe heckelphone #4141 as a model 36i; it has later been rebuilt to a variant of model 36k.

As of 2020, heckelphone #4141 belongs to bassoonist Steve Vacchi of Eugene (OR), USA, who acquired it from noted heckelphone specialist Peter Hurd of Bellingham (WA) in 2017. Previously, it was owned by bassoonist Douglas Craig of Salt Lake City (UT) and used in the Utah Symphony Orchestra, as well as by versatile American woodwind player Dante Profumo.

Further details of the history of heckelphone #4141 remain unclear.

Heckelphone #4141 in action (2017), played and explained by Steve Vacchi, Eugene (OR), USA:

Many thanks to Peter Hurd and Steve Vacchi for providing some of the information shown on this page. To provide further details on the history of this instrument, please contact me at heckelphone@gmx.net.